The MedStar Citizen EMS Academy is an interactive forum for people who live or work in the MedStar service area to learn about the functions and operation of MedStar and the practice of EMS.
The Citizen EMS Academy is a 7-week course (one session per week), that explores what it takes to provide high quality emergency medical service to more than 1 million residents in MedStar’s service area. Participants will learn how 9-1-1 medical calls are triaged and dispatched, see demonstrations of equipment and procedures used by EMS crews in the field and be trained in the latest “hands-only” chest compression CPR, Stop the Bleed and Narcan administration techniques.
The Academy also includes a “ride-along” with ambulance and community health crews, and observations “plugged in” to our 9-1-1 communications center.
Space is limited to twelve students per Academy. There is no charge to attend, but participants will be required to pass a background check (cost: $50).
Participants must be at least 18 years old and live or work in the MedStar service area.