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Published on January 15, 2025

At Tuesday’s City Council work session, staff presented the proposed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This establishes a civil service framework for services provided by emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics and telecommunicators as these services transition from MedStar to the City of Fort Worth.

Firefighters with the Fort Worth Fire Department (FWFD) are represented by the Local 440 Firefighters Association under a Fire Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The new MOU will be attached to the Fire CBA and mirrors its provisions, outlining pay, benefits, time off and other working conditions.

Why it matters: On Tuesday, Dec. 3, the City and the Fort Worth Firefighters Association reached a deal on a MOU that establishes a new approach to civil service for EMS. The MOU would allow the City to hire current MedStar EMTs and paramedics into the City Fire Department, which would help launch a new EMS program and improve services for the community. The MOU is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2025, coinciding with the full transition of the EMS department to the City.

“The City and the Local 440 are proud of the bargaining team who worked collaboratively to get this MOU drafted. All teams involved are eager to continue working through the EMS transition with FWFD Chief Davis and MedStar employees,” said Valerie Washington, assistant city manager. “The transition of MedStar employees to the City’s fire department will only strengthen our efforts and response to residents and visitors in Fort Worth and neighboring cities.”

What’s new: The City of Fort Worth presented the EMS Collective Bargaining MOU, highlighting a timeline, key principles, covered provisions and the fiscal impact of attaining MedStar’s employees. The development of the MOU includes:

  • Foster a welcoming environment and cultivate a positive culture for MedStar employees transitioning to the City.
  • Offer EMS competitive pay that aligns with market and civil service step plan pay structure.
  • Establish a rank structure that provides clear promotional opportunities.
  • Focus on providing patient-focused care and being able to recruit and retain EMTs, paramedics and telecommunicators.
  • Create a process for current MedStar employees to transition without the need to reapply and take a civil service entrance exam.

What’s next: City Council will vote on the EMS MOU at the Jan. 28 City Council meeting. Between February and June, the City will continue to inform MedStar employees about the transition, distribute offer letters to employees, and work with the City’s HR department to ensure terms are in place at the start of the July 6 pay period. Included in the CBA is:

  • City and Local 440 agreed to create an MOU that will become part of the current Fire CBA.
  • Current Fire CBA expires September 30, 2026.
  • EMS MOU expiration aligns with the Fire CBA.
  • The MOU will address employee benefits, rates of pay and other working conditions.
    • Create new EMS job classifications to fall under the provisions to the Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143, as modified by the CBA.
    • Define roles and definitions for fire fighter positions that are “single role” (EMS only) and “dual role” (EMS and firefighting) job roles.
    • EMS communications personnel are included in the MOU.

Go deeper: The decision to bring ambulance services into FWFD comes after the EMS Ad Hoc Committee recommendations to take a different approach. This will ensure that EMS for residents and visitors is financially sustainable, responsive, timely and focused on high-quality patient care.

In May 2024, the Fort Worth City Council approved a plan to transition EMS services into the Fire Department. The transition promises the following:

  • No impact to patient care, which is structured to maintain and enhance EMS services for Fort Worth and area residents.
  • Improvements in priority call response times will be a major benefit.
  • A well-run EMS system is the ultimate goal.